Mr. Radcliffe

11:00 AM - 12:15 PM TR  McBryde Hall 304

This class follows the development of English literature from its beginnings in oral and manuscript culture in the medieval period to the beginnings of modern commercial publishing in the eighteenth century.  We will read a selection of seminal works in the more important genres of poetry and prose, considering how they address matters of concern of their times and ours, and how their forms and sentiments laid the groundwork for modern literature.  Evaluation will be based on attendance, class participation, and short assignments (30%), two 5-6 page papers (40%), and a final examination (30%).

A survey course like this has several goals.  Since English literature is filled with allusions to landmark works, surveys of earlier literature are obviously useful for grasping references in later literature.  Surveys also introduce the ways of reading works in their historical, social, and intellectual contexts.  Still another purpose is to cultivate an awareness of long-term historical continuity and change since literary works typically speak to contexts beyond those that originally gave rise to them.  And then, not the least important purpose of a survey course is to equip contemporary readers and writers with "the best that has been thought and said" by their predecessors.

To pursue these goals it is necessary to absorb a good deal of information intended for future use: in other literature and humanities courses, but also for making sense of the world beyond the walls of the academy.  Because there is much information to be absorbed in a short time, students are required to do the readings, attend the lectures,  participate in discussions, and do the assignments.  Attendance will be taken and late work will be accepted only with the prior permission of the instructor.  Work done for this class is expected to be your own.

Textbook:   Norton Anthology of English Literature , eighth edition.

T August 22


Th August 24

The Middle Ages.  pp. 1-29.  Beowulf

T August 29


Th August 31

Gawain and the Green Knight

T September 5

Gawain and the Green Knight

Th September 7

Chaucer:  General Prologue

T September 12

Chaucer:  Wife of Bath's Tale

Th September 14

The 16th Century pp. 485-511; Thomas Wyatt, Henry Howard

T September 19

Francis Bacon

Th September 21

Sonnets:  Philip Sidney, William Shakespeare  (selections)

T September 26

Spenser, Raleigh, Marlowe (selections)

Th September 28

Donne, Herbert (selections) [Last day to drop is Sept. 29]

T October 3

Marlowe, Doctor Faustus

Th October 5

Marlowe, Doctor Faustus

T October 10

Early 17th Century pp. 1235-57; Herrick, Suckling, Lovelace, Philips

Th October 12

Marvell (selections)  [paper I due]

T October 17

Milton: Paradise Lost  Books I-II

Th October 19

Milton: Paradise Lost   Book IX

T October 24

Restoration and 18th Century pp. 2057-84.  Butler, Bunyan

Th October 26

Dryden: Absolom and Achitophel

T October 31

Congreve:  Way of the World

Th November 2

Congreve:  Way of the World

T November 7

Swift:  Gulliver, Book I, chapter 1; Book IV

Th November 9

Addison & Steele, Pope, Rape of the Lock

T November 14

Astell, Montagu, Finch

Th November 16

Goldsmith, Crabbe

T November 21

Thanksgiving Holiday

Th November 23

Thanksgiving Holiday

T November 28

Collins, Gray  [paper II due]

Th November 30

Johnson:  Rasselas

T December 5

Johnson:  Rasselas

M December 11

Final Examination 1:05-3:05